Mini Workshops

Sometimes all a team needs is steering in the right direction. If your organisation is short for time but still wants coaching support, our mini workshops are the perfect solution for away days, wellness weeks, team-building days and more. These 90-120 minute sessions are designed for organisations who have minimal time but want maximum impact. From short-fire tips to help individuals manage their workload, to advice for new parents or those in lots of meetings, our punchy sessions are ideal for anyone who wants to tackle certain targeted areas.

Our mini workshop programmes

Thinking Outside the (In)Box

Email should be a tool you manage, so why let it manage you? We’ll equip you with techniques to limit distractions, processes for dealing effectively with the emails you receive, and tips on how to be a responsible sender.

Healthy Habits & Self Care

Struggling to follow through with your good intentions? We’ll equip you with the tools to build healthy habits that support your body, your mind, and your day-to-day.

Working in a Hybrid World

Now that so many of us work from both our home and the office, how do you make best use of your time? Manage your output across both environments and feel more in control no matter your location with this mini workshop.

Prioritising What Matters

Day-to-day deadlines, strategic projects, family commitments AND a social life? When your attention is constantly divided, you need a range of approaches to help you make decisions confidently and quickly.

Productivity For Working Parents

Having kids can be a full-time job all on its own. When you’re balancing spreadsheets with school runs, you need everyday strategies and practical tips to juggle both parental and professional roles in your life effectively.

Managing a Productive Team

What’s your management style? Are you delegating effectively? Ensure you’re enabling and supporting the productivity of your team with these managerial tips and tricks.

Freeing Up Time & Headspace

When you’ve got a million thoughts buzzing around your brain, it can feel impossible to think clearly. We’ll help you declutter your head so you can work in a calm and focused manner.

Effective Task Management

When tasks and priorities shift at the drop of a hat, how do you ensure nothing gets missed? Learn how to set up a system which supports you to make good action choices and handle your tasks in the most productive and efficient way.

Productive Meetings

Ever left a meeting and wondered why you were there in the first place? Our workshop covers exactly how to get the best out of the time and the people - without watching the clock.

Our mini workshops are perfect for:

  • Corporate work-life balance or wellness weeks

  • Away days

  • Internal team building days

  • Teams with limited time who have specific topics they’d like to tackle

  • Teams who have done our full day workshop and want additional support in certain areas

Need more support? Check out our other services:

Individual Coaching

Empowering you with new systems and processes that will change how you act, think and feel day-to-day.

Group Workshops

Bringing your team together with aligned goals that benefit both your organisation and the people within it.