Maternity Return to Work Programme

Returning to work after a period of maternity can seem incredibly daunting. As a new mother, you’ve had some of the busiest, most important weeks, months or even years of your life - and now you’re expected to sit back at your desk and get back to the corporate world?

Motherhood is a job in itself, which is why we developed our maternity return to work programme for organisations supporting new mothers. Designed to help you navigate the sleepless nights, the important first steps and get back to the career you love: whilst still making time for yourself.

New ways for working mothers

Our maternity programme is designed to support staff retention and development for women returning to work after maternity leave. For many mothers, balancing the demands of a heavy workload and a new baby can seem impossible - and for good reason!

By maximising the productivity and confidence of new mothers, our programme is perfect for organisations who want to support, nurture and manage expectations of their maternal staff through the busiest times of their lives.

The programme consists of a group workshop with any recently returned or soon-to-be returning mothers, followed by three individual coaching sessions.

During this time, we’ll explore many aspects of performance and productivity including effectively and comfortably managing dual roles as an employee and mother, managing focus and energy levels and how to set up a good system to support both professional and personal commitments.  

We normally run for a group of between four and eight people, although this can be tailored to your organisation’s needs.

Our maternity coaching covers:

  • Managing time and energy levels required to juggle work and family

  • Continuing to build / maintain confidence and ambition as a working mother

  • Managing flexible working (if appropriate)

  • Clarity, flexibility and the art of renegotiation (with self as well as others)

  • Effectively and comfortably managing dual roles as an employee and mother

  • Physical and emotional self-care

Need more support? Check out our other services:

Individual Coaching

Empowering you with new systems and processes that will change how you act, think and feel day-to-day.

Group Workshops

Bringing your team together with aligned goals that benefit both your organisation and the people within it.